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Sign the petition to the CT Attorney General


On Wednesday, Feb 16th 2022, the Yale Endowment Justice Coalition, along with divestment campaigns at Princeton, MIT, Stanford and Vanderbilt, filed petitions with their state Attorneys General asking them to open investigations into the universities’ fossil fuel investments. 
As a non-profit, Yale is legally obligated under Connecticut law to operate in good faith and loyalty toward its students and the people of New Haven. Under the Connecticut Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, Yale has a fiduciary duty to invest with consideration for the University’s charitable purposes. Yale’s continued investments in fossil fuels and complicity in the climate crisis run directly against this duty. Thus these investments are not only immoral but illegal, and we demand that Yale immediately divest from all fossil fuels.
The petitions were filed with the assistance of attorneys from Climate Defense Project and are supported by professors, community members, climate scientists, elected officials, student organizations, and alumni. 
Press release (Yale)                   Press release (National)            

© 2020 Yale Endowment Justice Collective

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